*For the best results download and print our rose-drawing step-by-step template ( scroll down to the end of this post to download) Step 1 Now it’s time to get your drawing paper and pencils to learn how to draw a rose flower *Read more about the rose flower structure here. (Rosehips are my favorites! Why? Read here…) The leaflets closest to the rosebud usually have 3 leaves while the rest of the leaflets may consist of 5 or even 7 leaves closer to the base of the steam. Roses don’t have single leaves growing directly from the steam. Most commonly, roses with multiple rows of petals have 3-5 petals per row. A single rose flower may have from 5 to 50 petals depending on the particular type. Note that roses have 5 (five) sepals.īefore a rose flower opens, all petals are hidden behind sepals. As a flower opens, the sepals turn down and may eventually be hidden by the flower. Sepals are green, leaf-like coverings that protect the rosebud before it blooms. If you managed to learn how to write then you already know the system – repeat, repeat, repeat…īefore we actually start drawing a rose flower let’s learn some useful facts about the rose parts that we’ll be dealing with in our exercises. It is very similar to how small children learn to write letters. Keep in mind that each time you repeat your rose flower drawing exercise, you’ll be getting better and better. Drawing rose flowers takes practice, patience, and a bit of information about the parts of this beautiful flower.įor practicing we provide a free downloadable PDF template with step-by-step drawing instructions. In our tutorial, we also use a grid frame to make the first step of sketching a rose’s outlines easier to position it on the canvas. Using simple initial shapes for drawing a rose has been the traditional way of learning to draw this beautiful flower. In this “How to draw a rose” step-by-step guide we tried to make the rose flower drawing process easy enough to follow even for complete beginners yet not excessively oversimplified. Drawing a rose presents a few challenges for beginners.